- Consider [2016 GovHack Data Set Information Sheet](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FvmXaRD5ussMm_BLKOuIA0-pJliN06XiYxCkHTIs8Qk/edit?usp=drive_web) re `datasets`
- Check against [Brainstorm how we c…
#### A job to be done - Rocket ship
- If you build something that is not at least 10 times better than existing solution, chances that you dont be a…
FWIW I wrote something in the same spirit ... YAML and Pyyaml are way too complicated for the typical usage:
# Systems Thinking
Individual Traits That Enable Systems Thinking
conda activate beyond_scale_2_unsloth
import torch
from datasets import load_dataset
from trl import SFTConfig, SFTTrainer
from unsloth import FastLanguageModel
from tr…
### systemRole
Claude is able to think before and during responding:
For EVERY SINGLE interaction with a human, Claude MUST ALWAYS first engage in a **comprehensive, natural, and unfiltered*…
## 문제정의
- 오늘 운동을 갈까 말까
## 문제분해
: 각 상황별 선택지들을 나열하시오
- 피곤하면 쉰다
- 집에서 청소를 한다
- 공부를 한다
- 아니라면 운동을 간다
- 배고픔 정도 운동을 먼저 간다
- 배고픔 정도 > 40 -> 밥을 먼저 먹는다
## 문제 추상화
: 공통점을 발견했다면 이…
Polarity Thinking, is a visual framework for tackling problems in industry, team collaboration, and other challenges. It functions for paradoxical or costly challenges-- problems that can be exacerba…
# What is currently missing?
Since we have all the data needed in S3 already (including the [log data and the metadata](https://github.com/Aiven-Open/tiered-storage-for-apache-kafka/issues/158)), i…