I have an issue with the new version of chrome 93 and d3 zoom when used in combination with a d3 map.
For each x level of zoom new SVG elements are rendered on the map and are clickable but when…
The `offset` parameter for the VersorTransform is not updated when it is copied into the CompositeTransform:
import SimpleITK as sitk
axis = [1.0,0.0,0.0]
angle = 0.15
fixed_center = [9…
Library name: versor
Library description: Geometric algebra library
Source repository URL: https://github.com/wolftype/versor
Project homepage (if different from the source repository): http:…
I was not expecting it to work, and even if it works I'm still not sure I'd be using it, as I'll probably have to rewrite it anyway to make sure the derivative of the exponential form is properly hand…
While I'm sure building up my own mesh from equations will work, it would be nice if the input to the Tube function could be vectors that defined each circle's orientation rather than just points. Whi…
Hi, I used Kimera on Euroc with no issues and now I am trying to run Kimera on the TUM-VI dataset (https://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/visual-inertial-dataset). However I'm not sure how to make it …
Looks like the `sphinx` is annoyed by the `__restrict` keyword:
C:/_/mingw-w64-cglm/src/cglm-0.7.9/docs/source/cam.rst:270: WARNING: Error in declarator or parameters
Invalid C declaration:…
comentarios basados en https://github.com/mvanzulli/TEX-tesis/blob/revisoPrelim/tesis.pdf
- [x] L1 pondría son: el desplazamiento axial \bar{u}, y los vectores de rotación \boldsymbol{\thet…
I have recorded data from my mobile phone (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer). Then I used ahrs library to calculate attitude parameters (quaternions and then conversion to yaw, pitch, roll).…