I am planning a new CRAN release of **vegan** in the latter half of August. There are quite a few changes, although nothing very dramatic. For most users the main thing may be wider and robuster suppo…
Some fields are often updated in database (like long vector field `kegg.genes.id` in KEGG Enzyme), leading to failure in fields testing,
Find a way to test the parsing of fields while avoiding this f…
pkrog updated
3 years ago
Hi there,
Today I tried to install several times phyloseq but this error was constant.
> BiocManager::install("phyloseq")
Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.10), R 3.6.1 (2019-07-…
For cases that produce an error/warning/note, such as [Formatting Software Names](https://contributor.r-project.org/cran-cookbook/description_issues.html#problem), it would be good if we could include…
I am trying to install ceres in R, but it keeps me giving me errors. The error is as follows:
Error: Failed to install 'ceres' from GitHub:
(converted from warning) installation of package …
Hello, I run the following code and got errors.
# version 1.24.0
First, thanks a lot for this wonderful package!
I am getting an error when generating an HTML report passing a ggplot2 theme to the `DESeq2Report` function. The source code (`regionReport/…
### *TLDR: Biostrings removed pairwiseAlignment method and the method is moved to pwalign*
> **pwalign** contains the `pairwiseAlignment`-related stuff taken from **Biostrings**. The plan is …
Some code of mine recently ran into trouble while processing sequences I retrieved from biomart using the Bioconductor biomaRt package. The reason for this turned out that a few entries contained the …
Got a error when running your tutorial using your data:
Error in normalize.quantiles(dataset0) : ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is 22
I am using R 4.1.1
Can you help to figure out wh…