I just got this xiaofang cam, is it supported by fang hacks?
I tried putting sd card with hacks v2 and after two "clacks" the mi home app works but I can't access status page or hello.cgi.
I get e…
Ciao! Innanzitutto grazie mille per lo stupendo lavoro che stai facendo!
Ho visto che è stata aggiunta la possibilità di scaricare da GiuntiTVP mediante One Shot Link. Come si usa?
Ho provato a inc…
la prima versione che installai su wordpress aveva un piccolo difetto nel bordo superiore. Lo dissi qui e mi fu consigliato il codice da correggere.
Essendo il mio sito solo in gestione di pro…
If you're asking for a new service that isn't supported by gdata-python-
client, this will immediately get flagged as WontFix.
What service (Calendar, Docs, Picasa) should b…
If you're asking for a new service that isn't supported by gdata-python-
client, this will immediately get flagged as WontFix.
What service (Calendar, Docs, Picasa) should b…
Po wejściu na http://localhost:8000/ dostałeś błąd o braku strony. Wydaję mi się że home page jest niezbędny.
Hi! I fail on installing the rblm package, and the console tells me the problem is packages ‘graph’, ‘SDMTools’ are not available.
This was my code:
# Activate RTools
I have 2 templates, one is the home page and the other is a section template. When I save my second page, all the data from the home page is kept in the "data" column in DB, with a null value.
Se require:
1. Al crear la tarea en mi app de tomanotas.finanzas.fun al mismo tiempo crear l…
I have succesfully downgraded BLE091->074, and DRV156->138.
I'd like to revert to original firmware, but the Mi Home app says I already have the latest.
I guess I need to restore the original BLE. D…