I needed to have support for highlighting so I produced a quick patch to do
what I needed to do. All I did was have it add the highlighting to the
document if highlighting was turned on using t…
I try to add this
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:loaded_flake8_ftplugin") && b:loaded_flake8_ftplugin == "primary") | q | endif
but it not work
- quickfix每行的最大长度是1024,导致有时输出的的信息太长就没了(比如json)
- 使用自带的wrap并不会解决这个问题
- asyncrun要是当每行超过1024以后自动wrap就好了
比如Linux shell中的字典查询命令 sdcv
sdcv english 在Quickfix 窗口显示的中文翻释是乱码
:Asyncrun sdcv english
Found 1 items, similar to english.
According to this article: https://developers.google.com/eclipse/docs/gwt_rpc I
must get next tooltip when creating interface:
According to this article: https://developers.google.com/eclipse/docs/gwt_rpc I
must get next tooltip when creating interface:
Consider this code:
For i = 0 To 20
On Error GoTo Handler
Debug.Print 42/0
The happy path overlaps the error-handling path, resulting in unexpected execution …
It is a cool plugin and I like it. I use docker container as the development environment as well, which is easy to share and manage. How can I run the code in this docker container and can consume put…
[Migrated from Google Code](https://code.google.com/p/quickfix-messenger/issues/detail?id=52)
I am using QuickFIX Messenger as the executing broker for my orders for testing. I found an issue in…
### Steps to reproduce
I use vim-go with deoplete and neosnippet. When `neomake_go_enabled_makers` set as
let g:neomake_go_enabled_makers = ['golint', 'govet', 'go' ]
It will show you e…