$ gopls --help
The Go Language source tools.
Usage: gopls [flags] [command-flags] [command-args]
gopls is a Go language server. It is typically used with an editor to provide
# 🚀 feature request
### Description
When using "Go to symbol" feature, search is case sensitive and do not handle fuzzy search making the whole feature almost useless. If you have to k…
// Good
const void* f() final;
// Bad
[[nodiscard]] const void* f() final;
[[noreturn]] const void* f() final;
It seems that there is kind of a bug or missing feature that all "#112233" values won't get (auto-)completed - when already used somewhere else in the CSS file. When I change the syntax to e.g. "Plain…
... I was happy to see prompts for methods as I typed, then wasn't sure that I'd typed the selector correctly in the following workspce:
| | |
|Previous ID | SR-7804 |
|Radar | None |
|Original Reporter | ArekPerform (…
Here is a "standalone" test that fails on `master` to do with inlining with `GOKern`s (it can be all just added to the end of the inline transformation test file and will fail).
Hi @timhor! Thanks so much for creating this plugin, I find myself using it all the time!
Wondering if you would be open to adding a few commands to complement the existing set:
1. Add a new "Exp…
- [x] Investigate merge vscode-rat-extension into main repo -- doing it here: https://github.com/bbbales2/regressions/pull/79
- [ ] Semantic highlighting
- [ ] Language server parses type hints …
I'm working on a Krpano Markup Languge too, but for the VSCode editor.
I managed to get the syntax highlight working by using your [krpano-tmLanguage file](https://github.com/apushkarev/Krpan…