I just got strange results from the `Result.locale()` function and took a quick look at the implementation. If my understanding is correct, it seems that the [current locale detection algorithm](https…
Hi all,
I have a little problem with run project. It was made in Linux, but I want run it at windows. I cloned it from git, made mvn clean install (without errors), and when i try typed mvn jooby:run,…
Hi, We recently switched from standard mustache to handlebars, and have discovered an issue that if a class has a property of type map and the class is passed to the Template#apply method the map prop…
I'm running jooby app behind public domain on port 80. When I open private page I get:
org.jooby.Err: Server Error(500)
at org.jooby.internal.HttpHandlerImpl.handleErr(HttpHandlerImpl.java:252) […
In handlebars.js, to access the index field of the parent iterator, "@../index" is used.
In handlebar.java, that syntax is not working.
I don't see http://jooby.org results for round 11. Jooby benchmark was merged here #1752.
After upgrade from jooby .12 to .13 logout handler stopped working correctly.
`org.jooby.internal.pac4j.AuthLogout`→ `handle(...)` → `req.ifSession().isPresent()` returns false when user is logged in…
ghost updated
8 years ago
After migration to version 0.13.0 AuthLogout handler doesn't terminate session, because Optional ifSession = req.ifSession() is empty.
I need to be able to get the original request URI from the Request object and I do not see any method doing that. More specifically, I need to be able to get the domain name that was used in the reque…