I would suggest creating an open standard for Ulex Improvement Proposals (UIPs). Having an organized pipeline for improvement suggestion will become important as time goes on. We can look to other exa…
Environmental Protection Specialist Series, GS-0028 TS-133 March 1995
Level 1-6 – 950 Points
The work requires knowledge of the …
# COVID 19 Page
Difficulty Points: 3
## User Story
As an attendee, I want to see information about COVID 19 and how the conference is going to address it during the conference to determine whethe…
### Prerequisites
* [x] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following:
* Checked the online documentation: https://mimic.mit.edu/
* Checked that your is…
### This is a ...
fix - something needs to be different
### This relates to ...
- the **Guide to OSCAL-based FedRAMP System Security Plans (SSP)**
- the **FedRAMP SSP OSCAL Template** (JSON …
### Pitch
If Instance A and B both agree, allow them to stream each-others Local timeline to the other, and both display a combined Local timeline.
### Motivation
We are seeing formerly small insta…
**Describe the bug**
Ran the README example with the following prompts: `['forklifts', 'tell me about forklifts', 'what is the current state of the art in forklifts']`
None of generated entries cont…
this project is a huge effort of huge importance. it depends on the heroic efforts of one person for now. and everybody knows: men pass, institutions remain. save for unlikely regulation changes in th…
### Issue Report Checklist
* [ x] Searched the [issues page](https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/issues?q=is%3Aissue) for similar reports
* [ x] Read the relevant sections of the [Spyder Trou…