i try to train the dac VAE, but i turns out nan loss in epoch3, then i train the dac RVQ, but i can only train on single gpu, multi gpu will fail.
i train the dac VAE because the musicgen m…
When I use Pycharm, I use the code, I got NerfAcc: No CUDA toolkit found. NerfAcc will be disabled.
"/home/dubaiprince/miniconda3/envs/threestudio/bin/python /home/dubaiprince/Projects/threestud…
First time user here and I am following this example: https://pytorch-forecasting.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/stallion.html and my code is this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Thank you for your sharing code. I try to run the deepspeed_graph.py, but have some errors. I made a little modification to the code and it is as follows:
import lightning.pytorch as pl
import …
If the reminder of the size of the training/validation/test over the batch size is 1.
In my usecase, the validation set has 18753 elements, so using a batch size of 16 leaves only one element in the …
### Bug description
Hi team,
During testing, I would like to extract Binaryconfusion matrix as a metric from the trainer.
I can see the value being calculated successfully but it is failing i…
Is Truncated Backpropagation Through Time supported?
I've found no documentation or example about it.
### Bug description
Loading a checkpoint with the ModelCheckpoint callback on a different machine (or with a missing/moved "best_model_path" dir) results in an error and crash.
A common use case…
What are the library requirements for the projects? Do you have a **requirements.txt** file?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 91, in
File "train.py", line 70, in main
trainer.fit(model = model, datamodule = dm)
File "/home/boqiuhan/anacond…