When i select hindi from language section and press on generate i get the following error message -
Using ready reference
Using folder reference
None test
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1-dev ffmpeg enchant
conda create -n tts-env
conda activate tts-env
pip3 install -U torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/…
TTS is installed for my Windows Automatic1111 but I dont see any option to enter text for TTS:
I recently ran the GeDEX-TTS training using the VCTK dataset and followed the instructions provided in the GeDEX-TTS/config/VCTK/base.yaml configuration file. The only modifications I made w…
thunn updated
2 months ago
Mozilla has a new TTS library, which produces better quality tts than espeak or pico2wave. Maybe it would be worth integrating
Now that TTS is working, there are a couple things we should do:
1. Adjust the pitch on the voices to sound like kids (other than Mr Jones)
2. Add a Text-to-Speech toggle in the Setup menu. Default to…
### The problem
I checked the logs, after installing HA core 2024.11.0 and found the message shown below.
### What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
### What was the las…
$ paddlespeech tts --input "你好,欢迎使用百度飞桨深度学习框架!" --output output.wav
[nltk_data] Error loading averaged_perceptron_tagger:
[nltk_data] Error loading cmudict:
We have a plan to train the TTV with multi-lingual dataset in Dec. 2023.
Now, we have collected a English, Korean, Indian dataset.
We may add a Chinese and Japanese speech dataset. But, we are …
Just installed this to try it out...well
Seems it goes to some kind of loop or repeating mode.
Tried to use it with server and client and run local. Both results are the same: