100% valid token contract with 0 totalSupply (Mintable)
Burn left tokens after crowd sale's end.
In mintable token is not relevant.
Using node v8.4.0
truffle 4 beta 2
I create a new contract in the develop console which runs successfully, and then debug the transaction. The debugger runs and shows me the first line of code, bu…
Seems like there are 2 more that have to be added:
Hey there !
To be fully ERC20 compliant a mintable token should emit a Transfer event, not a Mint event.
From ERC20:
"A token contract which creates new tokens SHOULD trigger a Transfer event with…
SylTi updated
7 years ago
Hello all!
I tried to use this library but in Ropsten or Rinkeby test network I got exception due to gas limit for `MintedTokenCappedCrowdsale` contract deploymeny like this
[The GAS for this Txn …
make `ForeignBridge` implement ERC20 so tokens on `foreign` can be used in a standardized way
Used standard example.yml with switched off verification of contract
mymaps@mymaps-ThinkPad-E550:~/Desktop/ico$ deploy-contracts --deployment-name testnet --deployment-file crowdsales/exampl…
## Issue
Installing the packages below from the ethpm registry fails with `Error: Could not find object at hash 'QmRoUvLLibQVBGVt4NMgWukjtt4TWVQQ12XBwpLFWRbKMm'`
Iterating over rows fails in 3.2.0 in classes wrapping Table, but only under certain conditions, as far as I can tell:
- The columns have different types or numeric precision, e.g. Int32Col and Int16C…