Currently its a 2 step process to scale and convert.
Implement a YUV to ARGB scaling function.
The primary use case is rendering related, so it would focus on
1. upsampling. but still work on do…
Currently its a 2 step process to scale and convert.
Implement a YUV to ARGB scaling function.
The primary use case is rendering related, so it would focus on
1. upsampling. but still work on do…
Currently its a 2 step process to scale and convert.
Implement a YUV to ARGB scaling function.
The primary use case is rendering related, so it would focus on
1. upsampling. but still work on do…
Refactor UNet, Residual UNet, MIRNet2D, and Utils from PyTorch to JAX:
- [x] [UNet](https://github.com/htem/raygun/blob/ce53ec95e2d90e52133d5f6ea2e30df7502e477c/raygun/jax/networks/UNet.py)
- [x] …
The original stable diffusion implementation for SD1.x only supports latent sizes that are multiples of 8 however there is a trick ([here it is implemented in diffusers](https://github.com/huggingface…
cp -r ultralytics /home/kk/miniconda3/envs/rtdetr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/
python mytrain.py …
when I run the command
python ./scripts/fid_score.py --path /userhome/inpaint_bord/data/places2_gt_1000/ /userhome/edge-connect-master/checkpoints/results/ (the /userhome/inpaint_bord/data/places2_g…
SR yml is missing?
Sorry to disturb you.I have one question.
How to test my own pictures using this code in tensorflow or pytorch? I want to restore my low resolution image to reconstruction ×2 resolution. In my opin…
Dear author, thank you for the excellent repository.
I used your cyclegan to normalize the color of the uneven H&E dye in the medical image, and finally **real_img** and **rec_img** were very similar…