because it is not possible to see the age of attachments that have not yet been read and might never be, which makes it hard to come up with a sensible way of removing these attachments.
DataType as the data to transfer, just is the data, it can transfer by any dataBus, so , it can not keep the dataBus.
### Is this a bug report?
### Can you also reproduce the problem with the latest version?
Yes, MT version 6.3.2
### Environment
1. Operating system: Linux
2. Dotnet version: 3.1.10…
Filtering by `http://dataid.dbpedia.org/ns/cv#lang` indicates 1460 matches, however activating a constraint from it yields an empty list in the result view.
@Vehnem I tested standalone and it worked, well:
wget http://dbpedia-mappings.tib.eu/release/mappings/mappingbased-literals/2019.08.01/mappingbased-literals_lang=el.ttl.bz2
bzcat mappingbased-…
https://databus.dbpedia.org search for "timbr" shows a bsystem description. But clicking on each of the breadcrumbs results in broken link:
- https://databus.dbpedia.org/system/
- https://databus.db…
There was some confusion about the databus.
Maybe it is a good idea to declare somewhere that it is a `public beta`, or `under development`. Maybe at one of the two places ??:
![Screenshot from 20…
https://wiki.dbpedia.org/blog/dbpedia-databus-%E2%80%93-transforming-linked-data-networked-data-economy shows this image:
The blog https://wiki.dbpedia.org/blog/dbpedia-databus-%E2%80%93-transforming-linked-data-networked-data-economy is pretty important because it's linked form the databus home page.
This link in it …
I use the lib with rabbitMq. Config is something like
builder.RegisterRebus((configurer, context) => configurer
.Logging(l => l.Serilog())