My system information:
* Operating system type: MacOS
* Operating system version: High Sierra, 10.13.6
* BLT version: 9.1.0
Output of `blt doctor`:
I'm having a problem with using the Lando Drupal 8 recipe to reproduce an web app container built with Composer. The reproduced container has some pathnames missing or set incorrectly and the resulti…
**What happened**:
When I run `tok new` I get the following error:
Enter a directory name for your new project: begun
Please choose the Drupal template you'd like to launch
Currently, if a block sequence of commands is specified in `.lando.yml`, each command runs in a separate container instance that requires stopping and restarting. With only a handful of commands, thi…
What is your lando version and operating system? **(note that the older your version the less likely we are to reply)**
v3.0.0.-rc-14 on macOS 10.14.3
**Tell us about your `.lando.yml`**
As a recipe is quite small - It would be lovely to have this in the deployer.phar file, so our CI can use these.
Its not an option to add them as dev packages for some projects.
Depending wether I use `docker-compose run` with or without `--rm`, the exit status code is ignored.
Using `docker-compose exec` returns me a exit status code 129, while the same command with `docker …
Currently GovCMS offers the Minisite module (port underway to Drupal8) - but this isn't ideal for maintaining the content of a sub-site.
There are a couple of GovCMS7 sites that maintain a differen…
ddev v1.14 in in release preparation. [v1.14.0-rc2](https://github.com/drud/ddev/releases/tag/v1.14.0-rc2) is the release candidate for testing and has installation instructions. Please report result…
It's testing week here in the DDEV-Local factory. We'd love community help, especially with validating the new nginx configurations for your favorite CMSs, but also with every other item that is inte…