Hi there,
Fastp is great!
One thing I encounter is that some of the files doesn't have any reads if I use `--split`. Here is the command I used.
fastp -i A_1.fq -I A_2.fq --split 80 -o 1.fas…
I want to run `fastp` for quality control only. I ran
fastp -i MYFILE.fq.gz \
--disable_adapter_trimming \
--disable_quality_filtering \
--disable_length_filtering \
We assemble the genome in hic mode and run the command as `hifiasm -o NA12878.asm -t 40 --h1 read1.fq.gz --h2 read2.fq.gz HiFi-reads.fq.gz`
Unfortunately, the size of `NA12878.asm.hic.h…
command used
./bs3-align -1 test_data/pair1.fq -2 test_data/pair2.fq -o WGBC -f sam -g reference_genome/genome.fa -d reference_genome/
error I got:
File "bs3-align.py", line 149
print "…
it seems codel detection is based on lsmod to determine if module is present.
My kernel include this module in kernel not as module
I am trying to use singlem for multiple samples using the following:
singlem pipe --forward /scratch/vilardi.k/katiefiles/clean_reads2/all_fq/${i}.clean.R1.fq --reverse /scratch/vilardi.k/k…
Using the version `STAR 2.5.2a` to align paired-end reads to the human reference genome.
Find out the **order of the unmapped mates is not consistent**, but the number of two unmapped files is consi…
The ticket in the Support queue is about a search in AVH on eventDate, but I think it might be a general issue with searching on date fields.
We are trying to find records of specimens collected by…
I am running the following code:
samtools mpileup -uf ref.fasta sorted.bam | bcftools call -c | vcfutils.pl vcf2fq | gzip > Cmar.fq.gz
psmc/utils/fq2psmcfa -q20 Cmar.fq.gz > Cmar.psmcfa
Hey, was poking around in your various jq repos for inspiration. Nice to find someone else have thought about how to represent diffs between json values as json, might steal this notation for use with…