"User Story
* *Als:* APM
* *Wil ik:* kunnen zoeken op de GEMMA2-indeling i.c. Bedrijfsfuncties, Applicatiefuncties en Referentiecomponenten
* *Zodat ik:* snel gericht een beeld kan krijgen welke o…
`set power off`
`ext ide`
`diskmanipulator chdir hda /`
`diskmanipulator export hda bgm`
Here I suggest to add a link to [https://github.com/fboehm/gemma2](https://github.com/fboehm/gemma2) in the README.md
GEMMA is a great CLI tool. Some people, however, prefer to work from R. At #35 …
To speed things up with large dataset (and enough RAM) we should compute in one go - caching K if available. With the new faster-lmm-d code this should be achievable.
Gemma would benefit from a Python wrapper. Mostly to deal with arguments/options and pre-parsing/validation. Caching, LOCO and permutations currently in the Ruby gemma-wrapper can be moved across too.
Gemma should be able to read [R/qtl2](http://kbroman.org/qtl2/assets/vignettes/input_files.html) formats. Not only is this easier from R, but also these formats are more informative and therefore it i…
It would be preferrable if the R variables could be passed directly to GEMMA without having to save files.
Perhaps it could even be turned into a small R package (e.g., `rgemma`).
We should add leave one chromosome out support to GEMMA. From what I can tell from the source code this is not particularly hard because GEMMA already tracks chromosome information. We need to recompu…
There are plenty of MuSICA (.BGM) files in my library that are not being recognised by the demo player.
I attached them here, to help you with the debugging.
...zodat ik de nieuwe standaarden kan plaatsen en weet voor welke referentiecomponenten en systemen die deze implementeren relevant zijn.
NB. Op dit moment staan voor de referentiecomponenten allee…