This article is fine: https://akvaplan.no/no/pressemelding/2023-09-28/kan-kunstig-intelligens-bidra-til-lusevarsling-i-sanntid – but the most recent from 2023-11-29 and 2023-12-01 under fail…
cnrdh updated
10 months ago
### Template Information:
This is a template to detect vulnerable instances of screenconnect per https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2024-1709/
### Nuclei Template:
id: CVE-2024-170…
I would like to start the implementation for a plugin that detects CVE-2021-21307.
Vulnerability details:
- Type: Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE)
- Score: 9.8 CRITICAL
- …
### Describe the bug
I have tried to install it on the two new laptops that I have. Both are Asus Vivobook S 14 Flip (TN3402Y).
Both running Linux Mint 21.3 and kernal 6.5.0-41.
One went fine and i…
Hi All,
I succesfully used the DTU-238 on Windows as Input device. For example NIT extraction worked well:
`tsp --verbose -I dektec --device 0 --io-standard demodulator --c2-bandwidth 8-MHz --…
### Concise Description
i tested it in incognito and it works idk tho why it work with other adblocker scripts i got on tampermonkey if yall need them script too ima drop them too
### Browser/s
Can't load because windows keeps on saying its a trojan, its as simple as that
I would like to start the implementation for a plugin that detects SCIMono < v0.0.19 Remote Code Execution
Vulnerability details:
Type: SCIMono < v0.0.19 Remote Code Execution
Score: 9.…
I want to contribute to the tsunami scanner with a plugin to detect CVE-2021-38540. This recent vulnerability (September 2021) has a CVE score >= 7 and has an impact - info disclosure, DOS, R…
sttor updated
10 months ago
I would like to contribute the implementation for a plugin that detects detects PHP 8.1.0-dev User-Agentt Backdoor without a CVE code.
Vulnerability details:
Score: 9.80 CRITICAL
C4o updated
10 months ago