There are pages in foreign languages within the CMS. See, for example, https://www.mass.gov/court-forms-information-in-spanish-formularios-e-informacion-en-espanol. There are certain phras…
Users of the "SMA NOAA Satélite 2.0" group on telegram (https://t.me/gruponoaa) requested a fully working image for RaspiOS; and it makes sense.
In that way I can offer a full experience.
Very thanks for do this tutorial explain how to install SAPI 5 on Linux because working
A made a tutorial about how to install on Linux Ubuntu, Mint, antiX, but is on Spanish:
Texto a Voz con Ba…
some users may want their original bluetooth device id to be restored
n8fr8 updated
7 years ago
I need help with my saber, but y dont speack english.
Hello friends of frappe, I want to know how I can help in the documentation in spanish.
Create a shortcode named [bogo-dropdown]
add_shortcode( 'bogo-dropdown', 'my_bogo_shortcode' );
function my_bogo_shortcode( $atts ) {
if( !function_exists( 'bogo_language_switcher_links…
As the title already said, a english version will be good.
Cause there less ppl where understood spanish (me included) but would to use the Package. But without the knowledge about the spanish langu…
### Source information
Olympus Scanlation 1.4.10
### Source language
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### Acknowledgements
- [X] I have upd…