I have cloned the code from github and I compile the code with `cmake .. && make -j16`,then I have get the result:
```/home/fuyx/g2o/g2o/stuff/logger.cpp: In constructor ‘g2o::internal::LoggerInterfa…
Hi, I record my own data using livox mid360, and I don't provide imu and odom. I set 'compute_odom' to true in yaml file. But 's_graph' node cannot run. The process blocks as following.
I am trying to build rtabmap `0.21.3` with Open3D support on `ubuntu 20.04 - ros noetic`.
Unfortunately, I get the following link error:
/usr/bin/ld: ../../bin/librtabmap_core.so.0.…
After adding vertices and edges to the optimizer, the optimizer is initialized and then optimization can be performed iteratively. Such as:
`optimizer.initializeOptimization(int level)`
error: optimal_planner.o: undefined reference to symbol '_ZN3g2o18get_monotonic_timeEv'
error: /home/zy/g2o/build/lib/libg2o_stuff.so.0.1: error adding symbols: DSO missing fro…
Thank you for the EPIC code.
My Env: Jetson Nano, Ubuntu 18.04
I have fought the following compile error for 2 days:
../../lib/libkompute.so.0.8.1: undefined reference to `vkGetDeviceI…
I am using g2o for bundle adjustment and want to use the VertexSBAPointXYZ() class. The Python wrapper says that g2o does not have that attribute. I have installed g2o using `pip3 install -U …
Hello, I have successfully run the program, and I am more concerned about the closed-loop module between multiple machines. I found at runtime that the system always performs MapMatch first, and then …
We have a stream/byte array which doesn't have an archive wrapper (i.e. it's not wrapped in a zip archive - it's just a bzip2 compressed file). How can we use libarchivejs to decompress this st…
Hi @thien94,
Thank you very much for your great work. Its been a core part of my research in VSLAM systems.
I am attempting to modify your code to move the project into ROS2. At the moment I am …