Trying to convert my karma config from phantomjs to puppeteer but I'm facing issues when running my test suite. Here's the log:
[18:25:41] Starting 'karma'...
29 01 2018 18:26:37.287:INFO [karm…
Beginning a few days ago, we began seeing the following when attempting to build an existing Angular2+ project making use of @types/lodash-es and lodash-es.
I have the same problem that guys in this thread: https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-atom/issues/511
As I can see, they solved their problem theirselves. But difference between me and them is tha…
有不少项目基于 `vue-element-admin` 或者 `vue-admin-template` 进行了二次分装。
@FrightRisk, @ManiAkasapu, I feel that in it's current state, the codebase is going to be **very** hard to scale, for 1.4.0, especially for the new wireless features for 1.5.0 and beyond. `index.html`…
**该issue关闭讨论,如有问题请去 https://github.com/kittencup/angular2-ama-cn/issues/43 提问**
## 目录
- [Observables和RxJS](https://github.com/kittencup/angular2-ama-cn/issues/40#issuecomment-172772819)
- [聊天应用概述](h…
https://github.com/alibaba/anyproxy (AnyProxy是一个基于NodeJS的,可供插件配置的HTTP/HTTPS代理服务器。👍 💯 💯)
https://github.com/avwo/whistle (whistle是一款用Node实现的跨平台的Web调试代理工具,支持查看修改http(s)、Websocket连接的请求和响应内容 👍 💯 💯 )
> #### 编程技术及生态发展的三个阶段
> - 最初的时候人们忙着补全各种API,代表着他们拥有的东西还很匮乏,需要在语言跟基础设施上继续完善
> - 然后就开始各种模式,标志他们做的东西逐渐变大变复杂,需要更好的组织了
> - 然后就是各类分层MVC,MVP,MVVM之类,可视化开发,自动化测试,团队协同系统等等,说明重视生产效率了,也…
Issue Type: Bug
same issue seen here
## There have been updates to the *storybook* monorepo:
+ - The `devDependency` [@storybook/addons](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook) was updated from `5.2.1` to `5.2.2`.
- The `devDependen…