首先感谢大佬的付出,我们都希望 dcat admin 越来越好,所以提一下 SEO 方面的建议,以便让更多的人通过搜索找到这个项目。
1. Github SEO,试想如果一个潜在用户要在 Github 找一套 laravel 后台 ,国内用户大概率会搜「laravel 后台」或者「laravel admin」,国外用户有可能会搜「laravel nova」,大佬试试咱这个…
Let’s split off the logic for the Dump to Feeds based on a Shape Template. It should become a processor within [the RDF Connect framework](https://github.com/rdf-connect)
This repository should the…
add rdfs:label "filename" to file?
Here is a diff with comments:
# on SingleFile
## duplicates
- rdfs:label and comment are the same as/duplicate on the Dataset node
- isDistributionOf is inv…
The concepts "(minimum) bounding box" and "extent" cannot be found in [GeoLexica](https://isotc211.geolexica.org/concepts/), but those concepts are an important part of the geographic information voca…
Mittels `dct:temporal` kann für Datasets, die Zeitreihen sind, angegeben werden, welchen Zeitraum sie umfassen. Es gibt jedoch Datasets, bei denen die Zeiträume "gleitend" sind. So umfasst eine Wetter…
- Laravel Version: 10.44.0
-PHP Version: 8.2.12
-Dcat Admin Version: 2.2.3-beta
So - Github has rolled out Topics now - https://github.com/blog/2309-introducing-topics
It'd be good to support this in Octopub, so people can add tags to their datasets to aid findability. Can als…
Skall vi i Wikidata peka på ett dataset som en källa så bör vissa saker finnas
- unikt iD på datasettet
- det skall vara enkelt att se om samma data publiceras på olika dataportaler
- idag…
Grid::make(new UserDevice(['userInfo', 'userDeviceStatusInfo']), function (Grid $grid) {...
grid数据表格声明了关联关系,但是内部使用关联字段的 orderBy 报错
$grid->model()->orderBy('userInfo.id', 'desc');
Content: Development of an eCH-xxxx profile for persistent identifiers
Name and/or affiliation of the author: Geschäftsstelle OGD
Working Group:
- Lead:
- Member: