This project is referencing old versions of Node we no longer want to support (I.e < 18). In order to conform with Nearform_Commerce OSS standards, please convert the action from in matrices and inste…
### Describe the bug
When loading multiple pages of a site quickly in multiple tabs, a `InvalidOperationException` exception is thrown, due to calling the `IOrchardHelper.GetContentItemByAliasAsync…
## Modelo Entidad-Relación ( ER DIAGRAM) por "Mermaid JS" (https://mermaid.live)
- Deposito de GIST
To leverage graphs as a tiny self-funded bootstrap startup, we'd like to use RedisGraph because we like the Cypher language and the innovative GraphBLAS integration
However, we can't really even ev…
**Describe your current workflow**
It would be great to have postman integrate with Azure Devops and sync with Azure API Management.
**Describe your ideal workflow**
Any updates to postman can au…
I have this [VGA2HDMI ](https://es.aliexpress.com/item/32848408479.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.56d86c15fhB1Tu&algo_pvid=7a56b9cc-be10-4cf9-90cd-3d9fc4c8c316&aem_p4p_detail=2021121401054788864972168…
I am getting below error when training matrix-factorization on latest version of seldon-server 1.3.2 and 1.3.3.
16/06/16 06:26:41 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from: com.github.fommil.netl…
I am thinking to do a design improvement now for front end and backend both.
### Issue title
[command:any] [ERROR] Class Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel does not exist. after a composer global update
###short description
After a composer global update, any drupal commands ge…
Beyond Legal Absolutism vs. Code Absolutism: How Can we Make The Transition into Cryptocommerce Peaceful?
This bounty is to get your input on the Substack book and book club, Gaming the Future: Te…