thanks for really great work.
I would like to use your algohorithm to match/find simillar scenes in the indoor photos.
I think hloc is the tool I need but I'm having problem with correctl…
## Introduction
Soliciting discussion over the localization (i18n) strategy for this project.
## Goals
### Goal 1: Localize everything
The goal is complete localization of all messages vis…
# Summary
Filters from the main applications view shows me counts, but the filters later do not, this is unfair.
![filters - synced(7); healthy(7)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21192…
BPO | [36837](https://bugs.python.org/issue36837)
--- | :---
Nosy | @warsaw, @abadger, @bbkane
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the…
It would be super cool to have localization in here. :)
I'm trying to integrate android_packages_apps_UnifiedNlp (non-gms version) into my ROM build as instructed per https://github.com/microg/android_packages_apps_UnifiedNlp/blob/master/README.md#aosp-bui…
We're trying to generate a secondary `Acknowledgements-spm.plist` file in our `.xcworkspace` because we are currently still using Cocoapods to generate an `Acknowledgements.plist`.
This way, whil…
I spent some time on trying to refine the BEM surface computation using all the new tools that are available.
The main improvement would be to start from the tissues segmentation volume when availabl…
I am from a country that uses UK English. I would like to be able to have that language as an option in the Kibana UI. I am happy to attempt to contribute a pull request with whatever is needed by Kib…
**Describe the bug**
The italian translation, although incomplete which is understandable, is quite bad where present, with text literally translated (without contextualization) and generally with lo…