**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/abe_k/pterodaq/issue/18) by kevin_karplus (Bitbucket: [kevin_karplus](https://bitbucket.org/kevin_karplus), ).**
Parent: https://github.com/HatfieldConsultants/Hatfield.EnviroData.DataAcquisition/issues/15
Parent: https://github.com/HatfieldConsultants/Hatfield.EnviroData.DataAcquisition/issues/15
This repository should be migrated to the existing Hatfield.EnviroData.DataAquisition repository. Once this has been done, the Hatfield.EnviroData.DataImport repository should be shut down.
The Parser works with the provided DataSourceLocation (represents the location of data within the file)
The DataImporter will parse various configuration properties (IExtractConfiguration) and work with the IValueAssigner interface to map them to the domain model
Create a build script, and build project for every push.
Different implementations of the Importer may need to support csv, xml, and json data types.
For example, WRD currently only receives in CSV format, while the ODM2 importer should handle both CSV an…
The DataImport project represents the framework of the importer and should therefore only contain abstractions. Example of implementations include WaterResourceData, ODM2, and potentially many more