First of all, congratulate the developers for this great software.
I really don't know if it's an issue or if I don't know how Helios works well.
I have made this query in the DCS forum a…
When UFC INTEN Left is pressed on the iPad, UFC INTEN Right is animated in DCS. The reverse happens too.
In addition, the command is sent on button release. So in this case, if I were to press button 1 on the UFC, hold, and slide, then lift over button two, button 1 in the sim will remain depresses. I ca…
The BCN button can be pressed either in the sim or the iPad. In the AV8B Ready on the Ramp Instant Mission, there result of pressing the button is that the window displays "ON", justified to the left.…
DCS uses the string "pww0w" to write an approximation of the word "ERROR" into the seven segment displays in the Hornet's UFC scratchpad area. I suspect that this has been the case for a long time an…
When using the Helios F-18 UFC, the character representing the "Active" selection for the 5 screens on the right is showing a 0 or a 1, rather than blank and :
Space characters on the top left scre…
DCS actually sends "pww0w" instead of "EAA0A" (the seven segment equivalent of "error"). Either way, the word "ERROR" should appear on the UFC,
Im currently running 5 screens and have a Pilot and RIO screen. However, there is no RIO Viewport, only a pilot. Is there a way to have the all RIO viewport setup for a 3rd Screen?
Screen 1 is t…
Pretty sure the part should be PCF8575PWR which is really a TSSOP24 footprint.
Diodes D1 and D2 should be BAT54CDW and *not* BAT54TW