I am attempting to implement a feature similar to MediatR's TransactionBehavior using FastEndpoints by leveraging post-processors. However, I am facing an issue where exceptions thrown during EF Core'…
Based of https://github.com/FastEndpoints/FastEndpoints/issues/706
I have an object of a product that has some non nullable properties such as ProductId and price with the following schema generated by swagger
"ProductBasicInfo": {
"type": "object",
Hi folks!
Using the following Configure override:
public override void Configure()
Policy(policyBuilder => policyBuilder.R…
public class Test : Endpoint
public override void Configure()
public override async Task HandleAsync(TestRequest req, CancellationT…
I was trying out the Asymmetric signing style with FastEndpoints and ran into the following bug.
System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'RSACng'.
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore allows the option to add operation filters
In my case it is used to show an additional property when auhenticating.
services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
Hi. After calling POST endpoint which returns `204 No Content` without response, I am getting `Error: no response content type found for deserialization`.
I am using 1.0.0-preview.75 versions of types…
This is how I add authorization to my minimal api endpoints with nSwag.
.AddPolicy(jobName, policy => policy.AddRequirements(o…
If I create an endpoint that uses either a PUT or a POST verb, and either the parameters are not needed (EmptyRequest) or the parameters are fully contained within the route ("foo/{Id}"), then shouldn…