When I run the plotting job, some package is conflict to my default R version.
Warning message:
no DISPLAY variable so Tk is not available
Warning message:
package 'ggplot2' was built under R …
The default color palette for ggplot2 is certainly pleasing to my eyes, but not so much so for my color-blind committee member. Consequently, I am consistently changing and color scales to the scale f…
This is very neat, thanks for making the gist public!
I found the following was needed:
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "10 year", ...
instead of `scale_x_date(breaks = ...`
Otherwise, I was …
Here are some remaining unsupported features as taken from the great ggplot2 cookbook.
The cookbook examples are in this branch: https://github.com/ropensci/plotly/tree/add-r-cookbook-tests, in this …
jjplot looks too much like ggplot2. We should try out using colorbrewer scales
(particularly the 5-
color palette #4) and tweak coloring on the background / facets to make them
brighter. We mi…
This is from https://github.com/r-lib/pillar/pull/404 that implements `scale_type.pillar_num()` (returning `"num"`) and `scale_x_num()` and `scale_y_num()` . The scales become available only after the…
If I create a ggplot with faceting, I can end up with several plots in a grid by the facet variables selected. When I convert that output to plotly via ggplotly(), the faceting is removed and the addi…
I think a selection of 3-5 _really nice_ themes is better than many _okay_ themes. I expect these will need some iteration.
Things to think about:
* Fonts - it can be a pain to change these
* Lig…
Thanks for your code at
I modified it in order to take into negative values.
IMHO, I feel this is better, but it can be improved.
SamGG updated
6 years ago
I'm toying around creating a correlation matrix linked to scatterplots ([source](https://gist.github.com/cpsievert/9969fda38b4b944e85b9) and [output](http://bl.ocks.org/cpsievert/raw/61ab70e7d667e76b0…