Will provide 2-3 problem statements for students to focus on. Incentive (RAIR tokens) for successful deployment.
To provide problem areas here.
- Medical record/supply chain/IOT flow. Requires…
plan for the Hackathon 2017
Hi, has there been any discussion to-date around hackathons as learning and networking opportunities? I always found them really useful, and fun, and now restrictions are easing perhaps it's something…
As discussed with @betatim and @seneubert on various occasions, some LHCb-internal hackathons / week(end)s of hacking / … could prove fruitful.
Not sure about concrete implementations just putting t…
hackathon schedule should be better sent to hackers
schedule also needs to be finalized as early as possible
related to #14
also related to #4
大家好,非常高兴地告诉大家,第七期 PaddlePaddle Hackathon 正式开始。本次活动是面向全球开发者的深度学习领域编程活动,鼓励开发者了解与参与飞桨深度学习开源项目开发实践。本次飞桨黑客马拉松由深度学习技术及应用国家工程研究中心主办,百度飞桨承办,活动包含三大赛道:开源贡献个人挑战赛、飞桨护航计划集训营、Fundable Projects,等你来挑战!活动详细信息可参考 [Pad…
**Problem research and evidence**
Insights from Office Hours discussion with @kowh-ai, @gavram, Carlos Kuhn and @thegostev . Summarizing we had an agreement to try hackathon for increasing engagement…