- [ ] [cleanlab/README.md at master · cleanlab/cleanlab](https://github.com/cleanlab/cleanlab/blob/master/README.md?plain=1)
# cleanlab/README.md at master · cleanlab/cleanlab
cleanlab helps y…
### Metadata
- Author: Kiri L. Wagstaff
- Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- Conference: ICML 2012
- Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.4656.pdf
I think this line is wrong and should pass X_dev & y_dev as "X_dev/y_dev" parameters.
### Class | 类型
### Feature Request | 功能请求
Here is `appjsonify` https://github.com/hitachi-nlp/appjsonify
which can enable acl ,AAAI ,ICML, ICLR,NeurIPS,IEEE ,ACM and Springer papers into…
aka the MultiSWAG paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.08791
Related ICML tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1qhGw8QxqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1qhGw8QxqY
Hi, I find in this repository there are only codes for two experiments in the ICML paper. Could you release the code for HMC and BNN experiments?
### Context
After some talks at ICML and NeurIPS during one of the workshops we co-organize with @wbailer, we figured out that Horovod would potentially be a very interesting framework to facilitat…
## 一言でいうと
### 論文リンク
Would you be interested in a variant to NB that is more recent and performant?
Rennie, J. D., Shih, L., Teevan, J., & Karger, D. R. (2003). Tackling the poor assumptions of naive bayes text classif…
DrDub updated
2 years ago
Thank you for opensourcing such a great code!
I have questions about your IQN implementation, especially on how it can reproduce the scores reported by th paper.
First, your config file https://…