What should we do next?
**Individual goals and interests based on TES work--what's exciting you?**
* Vanessa: are the C cycle drivers (respiration) different lab vs field conditions? E.g. is bioge…
Hello, we are trying to get a copy of the layer that the defines the extent of tidal inundation. We would like it for Sixes and Elk Rivers in Curry County. It would help us with our prioritization of …
@ocefpaf has this approach for running URLs throught CF checker:
ncdump -h $url > trim5.cdl…
@WPringle , and @SorooshMani-NOAA
Here are maximum water elevation maps for the `BEST` track and %exceedances of hurricane Florence from Fig. 12 of the [paper](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/jo…
Wanted to get @philipbaileynar , @MattReimer , and @KellyMWhitehead thinking about the potential to implement an interactive BDA planning tool in RIPT.
- Start with a LiDAR DEM
- Draw a BDA cre…
I just discovered that the ADCIRC times are not CF compliant. While they apparently work with netCDF-Java (NJ must have some extra non-CF time unit handling) they do not work with netcdf4-…
Under National Hurricane Center funding, @BrianOBlanton created the Matlab-based StormSurgeViz application http://renci-unc.github.io/StormSurgeViz/ for visualizing UGRID compliant data available via …
Dear HEMLab Team!
Currently, I am learning how to use the Hipims model and aimed to apply this model to my study on flood inundation simulation. Recently, I have successfully set up an ap prelimina…
## Milestone Epic 2
### Input
- [SFINCS](https://github.com/Deltares/SFINCS) model output (`.netcdf`),
### Goal
The same deterministic flood maps based on a flood inundation model ([SFIN…