When I try to install I get a error.
I use cmder on windows 10 and php version is 7.1.1
λ laravel new cms
Crafting application...
Loading composer repositories with package…
Hello Acacha, I use your package but after I write in windows command : php artisan vendor:publish --force --provider="Acacha/AdminLTETemplateLaravel/Providers/AdminLTETemplateServiceProvider" the res…
I've just wanted to run taurusgui for macroserver on different box, so I run
wheezy-jk$ taurusgui macrogui --tango-host=haso228k.desy.de:10000 --taurus-log-level=debug --fail-proof
I have installed llum `composer global require "acacha/llum=~0.1"`
then adminlte-laravel `composer global require "acacha/adminlte-laravel-installer=~2.0"`
adminlte-laravel install
The following problem has been observed with sardana blisspackage version 1.47.
When open a TaurusMotorV widget:
python /homelocal/sicilia/lib/python/site-packages/sardana/taurus/qt/qtgui/extra_…
sed: 1: ".env": invalid command code .
Error commenting DB_ entries in .env file
sed: 1: ".env": invalid command code .
Error adding DB_CONNECTION=sqlite to .env file
@barryvdh sorry for the spam and using a issue for this,-)
I create a lot of new Laravel projects every week with my students in classroom. In most of the projects Laravel debugbar is a must (congrat…
I installed Entrust package got that working then installed Adminlte and it removed my Entrust service provider and alias entries and added the new Adminlte ones
very inconvenient
Basically, I'm new to this, but I was running the Latin scanner on some lines of the Aeneid and found that when it hit a form of "bellum", it would count the 'e' as short, even though it is followed b…