Guys, I'm trying to upgrade an application from Rails 3.2.22 to 4.0.13 and I'm getting `Gem Load Error is: uninitialized constant ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection` when trying to load slugge…
We've been using vanilla (non-direct) CarrierWave in production for a while. Recently I tried using this gem for an upload form. After including the module in the Uploader class, the URLs for the vari…
## 各種情報
## READMEレビュー時にMVPリリース時点で実装予定だった機能
- [x] ユーザー登録機能
- [x] ログイン機能
- [x] ログアウト機能
- [x] 新規投稿機能
- [x] 投稿一覧機能
- [x] 投稿詳細機能
- [x] 投稿削除機能
- [x] コ…
I actually discovered a bug related to minimagick 5.0 support mentioned in issue #125
I updated image_processing to 1.13 and ran into an error
# Just processing a PDF attachm…
Currently, the ruby-dicom library is only able to handle a small subset of the compressed transfer syntaxes allowed in the DICOM standard. For Run Length Encoding, we have a straight ruby implementati…
dicom updated
3 years ago
Thanks for development of spree_robokassa gem. It looks excellent. Though I have a small issue with it.
Yesterday I've installed it to my site and still can't make it work for me in the test …
The user registration process fails with a 500 Internal Server Error when generating Open Graph images. The issue is caused by MiniMagick failing to find the `Courier` font, resulting in an exception.…
### ■Webアプリの概要
**Item Count:** 500 items
**Item Types:** Image
**Access Restrictions:** 0
**Complex Objects:** 0
**pid List:** https://github.com/OregonDigital/OD2-migration/blob/master/gb-warner/gb-warn…