Adding leaf nodes under a list property I have doesn't seem to be mapping to the JSON Schema required fields.
container interfaces {
list interface {
I am trying to use deviation to change type of a leafref attribute.
But it doesnt seem to be working. Can you please help.
1. yang using deviation (o-ran-agg-uplane-conf.yang)
Apologies if this is user misunderstanding - I am seeing that if I run pyang in a directory that contains a YANG file, then even when run specifying both '-p' and path to yang files, pyang pulls in th…
In yang 1.1 it is possible to refine a leaf list with repeated default statements but this is not handled correctly by pyang (v2.5.2)
Using the attached file (test.yang) I see the following output
The following happens with the "stateless-pf" module form (now expired) draft
$ pyang stateless-pf@2013-09-03.yang (no output)
$ pyang --features stateless-pf: statele…
Tried to run this commend
`pyang -f xpath --flatten-qualified-in-xpath ./myfile.yang`
But pyang does not recognize `-f xpath` or `--flatten-qualified-in-xpath`
How can I show the flattened xp…
I am getting some errors during some modules validation which was successful in previous pyang version. For instance:
(ydk_vne) ➜ 1731 git:(main) ✗ pyang --version
pyang 2.5.0…
By running pyang with some options can we can default value and range of particular parameter.
The tree will give only the following:
1. rw or ro
2. data type
3. parameter name
4. optional or man…
I believe I've found a bug related to deviations within pyang DSDL plugin.
Deviations allow you to reference targets via absolute-schema-node-id which
means that it can reference anything in the…
It would be great if the validation and transformation/formatting value in pyang is also served via Microsoft LSP.