Implement Heap Sort in the following Languages:
- [ ] C
- [ ] C++
- [ ] Java
- [ ] Javascript
- [ ] Python
- [ ] Kotlin
_Suggest more Languages and claim that PR!_
Implement Shell Sort in the following Languages:
- [ ] C++
- [ ] Java
- [ ] Javascript
- [ ] Python
- [ ] Kotlin
_Suggest more Languages and claim that PR!_
Let me do it in c
Implement Radix Sort the following conversion in the following Languages:
- [ ] C
- [ ] C++
- [ ] Java
- [ ] Python
- [ ] Kotlin
- [ ] Java
_Suggest more Languages and claim that PR!_
Add more sorting algorithms [here](https://github.com/malivinayak/Multi-Programming/tree/main/Program_Category/03%20Algorithm/Sorting%20Algorithms)
refer #14
I can implement Counting Sort, Bucket Sort, Radix Sort in Cpp. Please assign me.
*What was great:*
- Good job on implementing your is_sorting function efficiently!
- Good job on successfully implementing your iterative sorting algorithms!
*Here's some feedback to improve:*
What was great:
- Good job on implementing your is_sorted function efficiently!
- Good job on successfully implementing your sorting algorithms!
Here's some feedback to improve:
- Your split_sor…
Add different sorting algorithms in different languages
I will Implement
**1) Bubble Sort
2) Selection Sort
3) Insertion Sort
4) Pancake Sort
5) Heap Sort**
Kindly Assign this task to me