Greetings all!
My name is Tim and I'm a CS student at UM. I also ended up taking on a position at the Law School here on campus as their programmer/media technician/resident nerd.
I've done a fa…
Tätä dokumenttia https://tim.jyu.fi/manage/kurssit/tie/ohj1/2024k/tentti1-tehtavat ei voi muokata managen kautta eikä kopioida yläkansion kopioinnin kautta
`Attributes at end of code block notice…
Thanks for sharing the code.
I wonder how did you do the prediction in test time on the classification task?
// 配置定时器2
TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_InitStruct;
TIM_InitStruct.TIM_Prescaler = SystemCoreClock / 1000 - 1; // 设置预分频值,将时钟频率降低为1KHz
TIM_InitStruct.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; …
#### What is the URL for the blog you created? You are welcome to use a blog that you've created for another class, or your own personal site. Just make sure you use the category `edci338` on your pos…
I would like to implement Tim Sort in C++ as part of GSSOC'21. Kindly assign this to me.
## Overview
Things we'd like to work on for TermHub that may have some overlap with TIMS.
- [ ] OHDSI integration (somehow how work with ATLAS? or at least the WebAPI data behind ATLAS?)
- [ ] …
Hallo Tim,
kannst du bitte auch noch die 3d-Druck Teile und eine Hardware Liste(LED & Microcontroller) hochladen?
Viele Grüße