**nodejs 从零开始(一)**
### 1、基础介绍
### 2、nodejs安装 (参考官网)
`node -v ` //查看版本
### 3、npm命令
Warning during usage on nodejs 8.4 ubuntu
(node:18768) [DEP0013] DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated.
(node:18768) [DEP0013] DeprecationWarning: …
Servus leider gibt es das Projekt nicht mehr mit dem Node Server. Kannst du mir die Dateien zukommen lassen oder funktioniert es eh nicht mehr? Danke
nasa8x tools are fantastic to use for weird and wonderful genesis blocks, but old and outdated code.
nodejs 10 or better. Fix python code for the other version for the implicit 'self' or whatever …
In SPCK NodeJS, I built many servers. But though I can open the server in SPCK Web View, but I can't open the eruda console for the server. Why? How can I feed my desire?
I do have the issue that VOSK will only run in older NodeJS versions, since ffi-napi package seems to be incompatible with newer node versions 18.7^ .
This was tested on multiple windows 11 machine…
We need a AMCP NodeJS Proxy so we can start removing old legacy stuff without breaking clients. Somebody up for the task?
e.g. we would like to remove all "CG" commands and implement them in terms …
Issues named in title, koyeb error log:
======== Output: heroku/nodejs-corepack@2.6.2 ========
[Error: heroku/nodejs-corepack package.json error]
There was an error while attempting to pars…
efwxx updated
3 weeks ago
nodejs 是一门事件驱动的语言,events 模块的重要性毋庸置疑。在nodejs 中,所用能 emit event 的 对象都是 EventEmiter 的 instance。比如 `net.Server`, `fs.readStream`。
当 event 对象 emit 一个 event 时,所有监听该 event 的函数被同步执行。
``` js
// es5 写法