file [C:\projects\github\Sample-TPP-Client-Application-master\target\classes\com\nordea\openbanking\client\config\ObiProxy.class]: Unexpected exception during bean creation; nested exception is java.l…
The /balance API also works when called as /balancexyz etc.
This should not work and should throw appropriate errors.
Need to update the Jdbc Url of the TRA_DB in /conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml file. [1]
**Current Jdbc url** : 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openbank_tra_db?autoReconnect=true&useS…
When running the "gulp test" command some of the tests open a chrome browser and when entering the username to log in the username string appears duplicated, and the test fails.
![screen shot 2018-…
The BDD test coverage for Account APIs is excellent. It would be great to also do this for Payment APIs.
Some customers may not have access to a BaaS instance. We can create static mocks for these customers.
NOTE: GitHub issues are reserved for **bug reports only**.
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in Kong Nation https://discuss.konghq.com/c/kubernetes.
### Summary
Could give a link on where to start
Some sample postman scripts
In order to protect the APIs from traffic spikes, we should add Spike Arrests to the PreFlow of each API Proxy.
We can have a KVM called 'TrafficLimits' where...
Key = API Proxy name
Value = Spik…
The endpoint URLs in the environment variables of the prod-apicast, stage-apicast and wc-router point to a stale URL and need to be updated.