Needs to be secure from hackers/spammers, hide email address, include a captcha/reverse Turing test
**2 March, 14:40 to 15:50**
## Format
Lightning talks
- Back-to-back talks, with introductions from the moderator
- Three minutes each
- Moderator will advance slides
## Content
- **…
## TODO (in this order)
- [x] Release Turing ~~0.35.0~~ we're at 0.35.2 now
- [x] Bump min Julia version on intro page
- ~~Verify that changelog is updated~~ (Can't do this until it's merged)
The Managing Open and Reproducible Research Projects training material covers best practices for managing and supervising research projects in biology and related fields through data science method (a…
Collect info about what we need to do to apply with TPS.
Sebastian from MLJ is also interested in submitting a joint application for the Turing.
We'd like the materials to be able to be reused / referenced by The Turing Way and by Remotely Green, so CC-BY seems most appropriate.
### Scenario
Given an author named 'Alan Turing'
When a user visits Turing's details page
Then no error should occour
### Hints
A 'show' page displays an author's details.
In a test, visit the show p…
# User story
"As a new youth-work volunteer I want to be able to quickly find training material, so that I can complete recommended training to equip me for my role "
# Details
This user would like…
# User story
"As an invested user, I want to be able to find a link to a giving form, so that I can contribute financially to the work of ClaytonTV "
# Details
Basically we want to replicate …
A stack machine with two stacks is automagically Turing-complete