When running the following code:
r = Robot()
gpio = r.servo_board.gpios[3]
while True:
The `gpio.read()` operation consistently takes ~80ms to run, meaning GP…
It's not clear where and how the JIRA bot works (the one that automatically comments and closes JIRA issues when you write a commit comment with "[FIXED JENKINS-1234]").
Recently this stopped…
Gunicorn has an option to specify the number of workers using `--workers`. Is there such an option with daphne as well? If not, any recommendations/guidelines about running multiple daphne processes?
ghost updated
6 years ago
hi all, running Docker `17.05.0~ce-0~ubuntu-trusty` here along with keepalived `1:1.2.7-1ubuntu1`,
on `/var/log/syslog` I always get this issues:
Mar 9 11:02:56 compute-02 Keepalived_heal…
Nothing works with this crab idea of container formats. System integration fails, hardware specific things like cuda use is a nightmare to install, the container idea itself is a complete failure. In …
Hi folks,
I have tried using
FROM phpdockerio/php72-fpm:latest
WORKDIR "/application"
# Install selected extensions and other stuff
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get -y --no-install-…
I'm getting the following error when executing the algorithm known as LKH, saying that "no first choice found for 'Process' on 5 arguments....", at the lines indicated by the white star. Can someone p…
As Docker is picking up a big following and people are switching to containerisation I feel it would be worth getting an image on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com). As ReactPHP is a php process, I …
Hi, I have a docker image with preinstalled cuda library on ubuntu 14.04. When I run that image using docker, I am not able to run nvidia-smi command but when I run that image using nvidia-docker, I a…
I'm new to K8S, so happy to be pointed to the right direction.
I've been struggling to understand why my setup doesn't work. I have a Vagrant file that creates 3 VMs. 1 K8S master and 2 Nodes. https:…