Hi, thanks for sharing the nice work and code!
I am running inference on the provided example images using the pretrained Places2 model. However, the generated images I get have pretty inconsisten…
Hi! Based on your paper, I understand that you have retrained the IFLoss separately for each dataset (as specified in your supplementary materials). I am presently using a custom aerial imagery datase…
## 💥 Proposal
Use some simple dataset and implement the whole ML algorithm like a regression from the ground up showing all the math behind it in a jupyter notebook and later showing the similariti…
Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 12.1
~/hierarchical-3d-gaussians/SIBR_viewers/install/bin$ ./SIBR_gaussianHierarchyViewer_app --path ~/test/camera_calibration/aligned --scaffold ~/test/output/scaffold/point_…
Trier les papiers d'IA par ordre de facilité
These tests have been disabled by https://github.com/NVIDIA/Fuser/pull/2794 but should be fixed.
To reproduce,
$ git revert -c 90260eff23372029e58656ea614b8eaab211ac5e
$ _bn && mpirun -np 4 bin…
1. Is it possible to replace caffe (the slowest in the Python platform) with PyTorch (fastest overall) or MXNet (can beat PyTorch in parallel GPUs)
2. Is it possible to replace VGG7 with Inception or…
## 🚀 Feature
Universal binaries (x86_64+arm) made available on pytorch.org for the libtorch library on mac.
## Motivation
C++ applications requires libtorch to run PyTorch models saved as torch…
Hi all,
I'm running macos conda-forge on the M1 architecture and testing the mednist_tutorial.ipynb and other jupyter notebooks. I get the following error
``` File "", line 1, in
File "/opt/h…
Hey, authors! Thanks for your excellent work.
I followed the instructions in https://github.com/zju3dv/EasyVolcap#running-3dgst
But when I run "evc -t gui -c configs/exps/gaussiant/gaussiant_${expna…