I think we can easily improve the computation of the comment score. It should be based on the Wilson score interval as explain by Evan Miller here : http://www.evanmiller.org/how-not-to-sort-by-a…
I have been using the Netfetch tool and appreciate its capability to assess the security posture of our Kubernetes namespaces. I have a few questions regarding the scoring mechanism:
**Score Deriva…
Create a scoring system following the card game rules. Points are given for guests placed and might be subtracted for cards laid down. The points must be presented to the player.
I think we should add columns for all sub-scores and a total score like this:
| Size | Load | Await input | Create | Delete | Total Score |
| ? |? |? |? |? |? |
It's ev…
21 | 368 | :fire: MOTIVATION_LEVEL_VERY_LARGE :fire: | 2,110 イスコイン | 2,110 イスコイン | 10:21:13
is there a way to tell the score?
Like if a post has 3 downvotes and 1 upvote the "score" would be -2.
## Rubric Score
### Criteria 1: Valid Python Code
* 4 (Exceeds Expectations)
* Nice job on using lists, dictionary etc.
### Criteria 2: Implementation of Project Requirements
* 2 (Approach…