I'm running ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04 with a 5.4.143-rt64 kernel. I wanted to use ROS to connect my computer with a real UR5 robot with CB3 controller and 3.13 Polyscope version. The ro…
Hello everyone,
I slightly modified [the tutorial, the part where collision objects are added](http://docs.ros.org/melodic/api/moveit_tutorials/html/doc/move_group_interface/move_group_interface_tu…
Thank you for your effort to make the community better by providing this support for DRL for robotics in industry!
I've got weird error that I can't fix myself...
# From L 115 of …
Hi, I fresh new to universal robot and I'm using `Universal_Robots_Client_Library`which is based on URCap here to connect with robot?
After I have loaded URCap with version 1.0.5 into robot controll…
I am new to ROS,, if I want to run in a real ur robot,how can I start?
I would like to use the Pinocchio library on a windows system since I would like to generate a custom dll using the library for further use in my project. The documentation provides clear instr…
I'm trying to use ROBOTS with our UR-5 in Leibniz University in Hannover.
When I drag and drop Load Robot and plug a value list on it the component becomes red and I receive this error on t…
# Summary
I'm trying to move a UR5 arm with a python script.
I'm sending a goal using a /control_msg/FollowJointTrajectoryAction action as suggested here https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Univers…
I use "add_joint_forces" to let the **Fetch robot** run for N frames.
After N frames, I plan to let the robot stop and execute the next action.
But the robot cannot stop after using "add_joint_forc…
Hi all,
I was using this tool with a couple different robots (franka emika panda and ur3e+robotiq_85) and it seems that the presence of fixed joints seem to be ignored. That is, when opened in Webo…