While our [draft charter](https://www.w3.org/2023/03/proposed-webmachinelearning-charter.html) says that the group:
> priority on building blocks required by well-known model architectures such as re…
Hi 👋 ,
I'm not sure if this is the best place for my question but I've been working on this project (#847) with @quattro where we are using the `equinox` internal API (`eqxi`) to define a trace pri…
In two separate contexts that I've been working with recently, I've been facing challenges with how we implement writes to array elements, for cases like this: `A[i] = j;`
Specifically, the curren…
I have a few thoughts here resulted from https://github.com/red/red/issues/2216.
See also REPs on vectors https://github.com/red/REP/issues/12 and esp. https://github.com/red/REP/issues/10
The **a…
I want to explore the idea of Steme having a way of marking procedures as impure. A simple syntax would be to introduce `impure-lambda` and its counterpart `impure-define`. In impure procedures, mos…
I would like to be able to edit a texture directly within Blender and pipeline those pixels into Unity - the same way viewport pixels pipeline from Unity.
Few concerns though:
* Textures can be…
## PyTorch 1.11
Currently, cuSPARSE is already used in PyTorch for some operations with COO sparse matrix format. Internally COO indices are converted to a low-level CSR representation that is used…
Docker Image nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:23.09-py3
Driver Version: 525.125.06 CUDA Version: 12.0…
hello, I'm looking for documentation on supported models that we can use when leveraging Scikit-Learn. I can convert a Scikit-Learn model to .onnx (using this package: https://onnx.ai/sklearn-onnx/) b…
See https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/458659-Equational/topic/An.20old.20new.20idea for discussion. Loop over small finite fields `F` (e.g., of prime order `p`), and coefficients `a` an…