I wanted to suggest a feature that could make story making easier. a kind of chapter feature to make complexe stories a bit less of a mess.
The idea is to have within a chapter is to simp…
Error while parsing the .twee file.
I'm assuming I need to implement this following the instructions here?
Error: The external method 'System…
Acceptance criteria:
given that the stubserver is started
given that I configured a stub to use a normal distributed latency with specified p95 and p99 values
when I get a lot of respons…
PNH: In ons huidig datamodel hebben wij een objecttype Stuw, waar wij twee attributen vastleggen die schijnbaar niet in IMBOR kunnen worden gemapt: ‘KERENDEHOOGTE’ en ‘VASTOFBEWEEGBAAR’. Zijn er alter…
Naam : BavoEmail : _Bekend bij de redactie_ID : [v15963](https://netkaart.hoogspanningsnet.com/balloon3.php?ID=v15963)Feedback tekst :====================Deze kabelverbinding bestaat maar uit één circ…
[This issue is imported from pivotal - Originaly created at Sep 14, 2017 by Michiel Kodde](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/151087320)
Een definition of done opstellen op basis van de Ibuild…
While there is a user friendly option to align text horizontally through modifiers, there is no way to align text vertically(as far as I know) without using CSS. I'd like to propose additional aliment…
**Model(len) waarop de issue van toepassing is:**
**Omschrijving van het probleem:**
In [een feedbackdocument](https://vlaamseoverheid.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/AIV-OSLO-Bod…