**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
I want a form with reusable components that includes form validation, a modern design, and advanced input features, but I find it di…
**As** a STR Platform
**I want** to pass host registration details (registration number, unit number if applicable, street number, and postal code) via API to the STR registry,
**so that** I can con…
### What side quest or challenge are you solving?
### Points
w.r.t to Issue
### Description
There is currently no loading indicator during the folder creation process, and it allows users to …
### Bug description
When `val_check_interval` is used, and the model is resumed the validation is run immediately after resume, wasting resources (causing ckpt save, and whole validation run).
The `ttdo` package provides nice diffs for tests from the `tinytest` package, which could be used for validation of `codecheck.yml` files:
nuest updated
2 weeks ago
Hello! First of all, great library 🚀
I am checking it using Apple's [Attestation Object Validation Guide](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicecheck/attestation-object-validation-guide)…
Requested in Google group [gensc-cig], Ruth Time (GSC Board member)
**Issue raised via email:**
I encountered a problem when attempting to use the Lucid Validator with a nullable String attribute in my Dart entity. Specifically, when trying to validate a CPF using the validCPF method, it works f…
| TestField | Value |
| ----- | ----- |
| **GUID** | 853b79a2-b314-44a2-ae46-34a1e7ed85e4 |
| **Description** | Is there a value in dwc:countryCode?…
When creating an article or a subscription offer, we ask the admin for a price in decimal euros (5.00€), but we save it as cents in the DB (500). This avoids floating point errors when computing.