Akka.Net version: 1.4.20
platform: win 10, .net core 3.1
public class TestAsync
public static void Test()
using var system = ActorSystem.Create("testAsync");
var sender …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create windows service project
2. Use attached library
3. Create communication with service (WCF in my case)
4. Build project, start service, start camera…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create windows service project
2. Use attached library
3. Create communication with service (WCF in my case)
4. Build project, start service, start camera…
I have created a test case, which was successfully launched. However, after certain time and trying different builts, the test case did not run anymore. I have returned everything back to the way it w…
For testing purposes, I often switch from a WinExe -> Exe so that I can see Console input. Unlike .NET Framework, I can't do that in SDK based projects, because its ignoring my OutputType:
``` XML
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Load: https://github.com/krazyjakee/WinGap/tree/master/WinGap into visual
studio 2010.
2. Drag dependencies from "core" and "references" folder of openwe…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Load: https://github.com/krazyjakee/WinGap/tree/master/WinGap into visual
studio 2010.
2. Drag dependencies from "core" and "references" folder of openwe…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create windows service project
2. Use attached library
3. Create communication with service (WCF in my case)
4. Build project, start service, start camera…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create windows service project
2. Use attached library
3. Create communication with service (WCF in my case)
4. Build project, start service, start camera…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create windows service project
2. Use attached library
3. Create communication with service (WCF in my case)
4. Build project, start service, start camera…