To be as GDPR / DSGVO compliant as possible we need to research the requirements before the website goes public. I've read some sources about it and it shouldn't be too bad for the lidarts website. Bu…
Fieldpalette is actually not usable under 4.6.6 (downgrade because of [#153](https://github.com/contao/contao/issues/153) ) because of the request token not being verified correctly.
Die meisten Sprachkeys haben bereits den Präfix `dsgvo_`, manche aber auch nicht:
Das ist problematisch, da die Übersetz…
Has anyone already tried IOS 11.4 with Homebridge?
Could there be any compatibility issue?
Need to fill this in and do linkage for GDPR compliance. Also reconsider google analytics and Twitter link
# Howto use the KMI backend
The codebase states this feature experimental. Beside the source code, there is no documentation on how to use the feature yet.
# Manpage / Doc file
could you please g…
## User Story
As a `developer`, I want Give Core to include libraries using Composer instead of manually adding it into the `libraries` folder so that there are no chances of plugin conflicts.
PlugIn server konnte aus folgendem Grund nicht installiert werden:SQL error: Error while executing statement "INSERT IGNORE INTO `rex_dsgvo_project` (`domain`) VALUES ('default')"! SQLSTATE[42S02…
as a result of the DSGVO we need an additional note such as "I agree that my personal data will be stored...". Therefor it will be great, when we integrate a mandatoty checkbox and the possibility to …
I notice this hasn't been posted anywhere as an issue, but [GDPR](https://www.eugdpr.org/)?
How does bStats operate under / enforce the GDPR?