Perl 6 was initially conceived to be the next version of Perl. It took way too long to mature to an initial release. Meanwhile, people interested in taking Perl 5 along, took back the reigns and c…
I would like to start a conversation on what new APIs or modifications to the existing WebVR spec we would need to cover AR use cases. Some work has been done to make coordinates systems more flexible…
Hi @mpatacchiola , thanks for the great work! I was wondering that, would you in future share the complete training script for the model currently used in CNN headpose estimation? Thanks!
Hi Tadas,
Some background first:
A) attached .zip file includes video, openface output csv files, and figure containing corresponding head pose time series
B) notational conventions I'll use …
Hello I follow your code(ex_dlib_pnp_head_pose_estimation_video.py) to implementation the pose estimation,
I want to get the face pose, range from +90 to -90, like the following picture
I suggest that before we finalize the list of effects included in DC2 at the final DC2 checkpoint, we apply a coherent/consistent set of decision criteria. This comes out of a [slack conversation](ht…
Easy to discover landing page for all things computer vision. Expectation is that you can go to the dev guide and have everything laid out about all components that can be leveraged.
- Incorporate or…
> I'm also flagging an alternative version of this analysis here for possible exploration, as a different way of exploring decoding accuracy by level. It could be that, even if data at higher levels d…
Just wonder what are the differences between [https://github.com/cmusatyalab/openface](https://github.com/cmusatyalab/openface) and [https://github.com/TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace](https://githu…
I run
roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch
It shows:
sam@sam:/opt/ros$ roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch
... logging to /home/sam/.ros/log/35026a8e-4ae6-11e3-9bc0-20c…