For some time, I have been trying to port the device tree overlay (DTO) file that is provided to the NVIDIA Jetson platform. Despite my best efforts, I have been unable get get any success s…
This SDK is not compatible with ARM64 devices such as NVIDIA jetson platform. Since most of the cutting edge research uses such platforms due to their superior image processing and AI capabilities, I …
I tried to build the ROS2 docker container ros:foxy-ros-base on my jetson nano after making some changes to the docker file so that I could add some python libraries to my docker container. …
Hi, I used 2 alvium 1800U cameras and I met this problem recently:
The introduction of the error:
Hi all,
I’m trying to set up a webrtc stream using the following command
`video-viewer "rtsp://login:pass/" --input-codec=h264 webrtc://@:8555/ou…
Hi, I followed the steps in the readme when using it and it works fine on my pc and laptop. But nothing is detected on the jetson agx orin. My environment is as follows: jetpack5.1.1, tensorrt8.5.2.2,…
Jtop **connection error** if secureboot is enabled on Jetson device?
I installed jetson_state with **sudo -H pip install -U jetson-stats**, but got error of "connection error" when run *…
Hi, I am using two devices (x86 and Nvidia Jetson xaiver AGX) using the same CYBER_IP to communicate between two devices.
To reproduce the issue, I am sending from x86 device is lidar point cloud w…
Hardware: Jetson Nano
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 w/ ROS Melodic and Jetpack
I cannot view the 3d map generated. The 3d map tab is completely empty. I've tried to install from source but the problem is stil…
I have Nvidia Jetpack 4.5.1 installed on my Jetson Xavier NX dev kit. It has CUDA 10.2, CUDNN 8.0. If I build the CPU version, I can run the demo. However, if I build the GPU version (GPU=1, CU…