When I make the following request:
query getPage($pageId: ID!) {
page(id: $pageId, idType: DATABASE_ID) {
blocks {
... on AcfAccordionBlock {
Currently we have a file included with everything commented out.
I think we should update so that the file explains this is a place for graphql customizations, and have an example of customizing th…
v1.80 was preventing my headless Wordpress site from building successfully with the following error:
gatsby-source-wordpress Found a duplicate ID in WordPress - this means you will have fewer node…
### What problem does this address?
It doesn't seem to return SEO for woocommerce products whether if is simple product or variable.
### What is your proposed solution?
Add support / extend this p…
### Description
After upgrading to PHP 8 can no longer query `featuredImage`
### Steps to reproduce
posts(first: 1) {
nodes {
featuredImage {
node {
### Context
One recognized page building pattern is to use the `ContentNode` interface for all post types. The primary benefit of this is when using `wp-graphql-acf` in conjunction with multiple po…
### Description
![Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 3 12 34 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110807735/227906814-8b7d1818-6c9f-4bc6-82b5-b79f187048c6.png)
![Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 3 13 09 …
### What problem does this address?
Thank you for this great plugin!! We can use GraphQL with Wordpress finally!
However, recently Azure doesn't support PHP 7.4 anymore and we are forced to upgrad…
## Applicable Versions
- `@faustqp/blocks` version: `0.1.1`
- WordPress version: `6.1.1`
- WPGraphQL version: `1.14.0`
- WPGraphQL Content Blocks version: `0.1.0`
## Steps To Reproduce
1. …
### What problem does this address?
Hopefully it is just a fluke, but when I go to "Add New Plugin" in WordPress and simply go to find WPGraphQL in the public plugin directory the actual WPGraphQL do…